A new service in Chester city centre has launched!
Garden Quarters provides customers with short term and medium level support across two houses.
Referred from supported accommodation or bed and breakfast a tailored approach determines the individual needs of up to 15 customers. This could range from tenancy management to positive lifestyle changes. The team will then work with each customer on the most suitable housing option suited to them along with the wrap around support required to move them on to independent accommodation.
One customer JL* came to Garden Quarters through the winter provision beds and said “I like living here, it’s a smaller building with less people. It’s great to have my own front door key so I can come and go but I know if I need to speak to anyone staff are here day and night. Hopefully, with support I’ll soon be able to move into my own home”.
JL has also been keeping himself busy painting and is clearly green fingered and taking part in gardening activities including weeding and looking after tomato plants.
The opening of Garden Quarters is making more things possible for more people as we continue to grow our services to meet demand.
*Name changed to protect customer identity.